At the library: Discover the power of libraries for yourself

Wherever you are in London you are never far from a public library.

Libraries provide a community space where you can explore new interests, find a new passion or discover a new hobby. In Greater London, the collection of books to borrow or for reference is being refreshed every year. Last year over 900,000 new books were added to the collections in London libraries.

I found a creative place to study

Libraries are already popular, with over 32 million library visits to London libraries in an average year.

People visit their library for a whole host of reasons. Many visitors just love books but across London many people are coming back to the library to find a new creative place to work or study. Libraries offer a safe and friendly place that offers a change of scene for many of our visitors. Libraries are often wonderful buildings too and welcoming places to spend a few hours away from home.

I found a new career that I love

Libraries are also a fantastic resource if you are looking for new career opportunity, a training course or access to local support services

Libraries can help point you in the right direction if you are looking to volunteer or support a local charity. Library teams are often a wealth of information and will help guide and refer you to valuable sources of information. Libraries support people with millions of enquiries every year, so why not ask your library and see how they can help.

I found a space to think

Sometimes your local library can simply offer a break and a space to think or switch off from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Within the library you’ll find quiet spaces just to sit and think or more active spaces where you can explore the collection or access online services. People visit the library for a million different reasons. We look forward to welcoming you to London Libraries very soon.

I meet up with like-minded people from my area

Libraries are at the heart of your community and many have rooms and spaces that are used for local groups, cultural activities and a whole range of local talks, events and activities.

Libraries already attract more visits each year than any other cultural service. We’d recommend taking a new look at what your local library offers, it can be great place to meet new people from your local area and get involved in community social events.

I discovered a million free books

Source estimates that approximately 2,200,000 books are published each year.

It has been estimated that there are approximately 136 million books in the world. The average person lives 79 years, which means in order to read every book in the world you’d have to read about 1,721,519 books a year. That means that every single day you’d have to read 4,716 books to have any chance of reading every single book in the world right now!

I discovered my new passion